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Company Profile

Loonaq Sdn.Bhd. (Company No: 732637-U) was established in May 2012 as Digital Music & Media Content Distribution Platform). Loonaq is first in Malaysia successfully launched for digital download marketing globally for goods/products of creative digital content such as audio recordings, music/song, video, audiobook, artist collectibles, books and others. Beside digital distribution serviced for own label called Loonaq Records, this platform also offer this services to its Content Partners by worldwide licensing right to distribute not onto only but all digital store and audio/video streaming platform such as iTunes, Spotify, Deezer, Youtube, Vimeo, etc. via partnership agreements. 

Loonaq was founded by Haji Rozman bin Haji Abas who hold as Chief Executive Officer, while the Co-founder is his wife, Zaharah bt Koming who currently look after Loonaq’s finance management. 

Haji Rozman experienced in music industry from back 1988 when he joined Omry Records (later change to FGM Records) as sales officer to last position as Marketing Manager. Omry and FGM was the first local native “bumiputera” recording company, which released many famous local artists such as Zaiton Sameon and Allhayarham Adam Ahmad. FGM was a company related to Mrs. Zaharah’s family and from this experienced both Rozman and Zaharah later team up independently by founded few indie label such Karun Seni (1991), Sonic Asylum Records (1992), Sonic Asylum Sdn. Bhd. (1994), Kirawang Muzik Sdn. Bhd. (1995), Brain Music (1999) and currently Loonaq Records (2011). 

What is IslamicTunes
IslamicTunes™ is aim to be the 1st Muslim’s social content digital platform towards the creating of halal entertainment marketplace globally. We create this platform for Muslim entertainment fans including fans of music, audio, video, ebooks, images, wisdom words, write, literatures, thoughts, event, concerts, gigs, live shows, etc. can meets up and get connected with the content creators, content entrepreneurs, musikpreneurs, videopreneurs/moviepreneurs & graphicpreneurs or even performers/talent, to uphold and elevate the Islamic art and connecting business network all over the world.
For the Creative Content Entrepreneurs, this is the 1st digital content media platform to socialize, commercialize and monetize your content across the globe which focusing on halal entertainment contents and products. Lets build awareness and business networking and keep making ummah enjoy within the syaria compliences. Join us for FREE!

Our mission is to support Muslim creative creators and talents’ entrepreneurs who thrive at the intersection of design, technology and creative expression.


Our visions are to accelerate the success of creative entrepreneurs and economies. At IslamicTunes we believe in the power of creative entrepreneurs to create dynamic and prosperous communities towards dakwah and ukhuwah.
IslamicTunesNews | WHAT IS ISLAMICTUNES? Reviewed by Unknown on 10:44 AM Rating: 5

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